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Donations / Receipts

Memorial and Celebratory Giving

    Donations can be give to the library to purchase books “In Memory of” or “In Celebration of “a special occasion such as an anniversary or birthday.   The giver can specify the book, subject, or author to be purchased or the library has a list of  books that the giver can choose from.  A name plate is put in the front of the book with the donators name, honorees name, and the occasion. 

Monetary Giving

    The library accepts monetary gifts.  This type of gift is usually used to buy new books or for children’s programs at the library.  

Donation Receipts

The West Frankfort Public Library will gladly provide receipts for donations as follows:

  1. For cash donations a receipt will be given for the amount of the donation and can be given at the time of donation.
  2. For donations of books and other materials a receipt will be give for the replacement value of the materials actually used by the library.  A receipt will be mailed to the donor after donated items have been processed to determine if they will be used in the library.  In the event that the books and materials donated contain outdated information or are damaged, the items will be offered to patrons for free and therefore have no value to the library.  In the event that the books and materials are duplicates of what the library already owns, the items will be offered to patrons for purchase at a very low price and therefore that will be the value to the library.